Industry Trends
2 min
Published on
June 23, 2024

CompTech Change Is Finally Here

This year's World at Work conference proves compensation professionals are hungry for innovation.

Compensation needs and the needs of employees have grown, transformed, and evolved – so, why haven't the software solutions? First - it takes time, effort and true comp professionals at the helm to be able to understand the space well enough to develop the right tools and technologies to serve it. It also takes the desire to improve and not just accept the status quo - but to strive to develop the right software, features, and functionality to make life easier for HR and comp pros.  

Modernization and transformation were prevailing themes at the 2024 World at Work Total Rewards show last month which highlights the disconnect happening in the industry today. When practitioners are on stage talking about modernizing talent strategies but vendors are stuck in the past, showing a lack of innovation is a recipe for dissatisfaction and results in frustrated end users trying to find work arounds to make their legacy software support their modern HR strategies.  

This frustration and dissatisfaction with the current Comp Tech landscape has been brewing for a while, but it feels like we have reached a tipping point - in fact, according to a recent study by Novo Insights, 47% of customers of legacy providers are shopping for new comp solutions. They want to see greater innovation and they're out looking for something better.  

This is exactly why we've built Greatpoint HR - to be the innovative, disruptive solution that is needed today! The role of the comp professional has evolved and software solutions need to evolve along with them. We’re so excited to be able to bring true innovation to comp professionals and the industry as a whole - with a solution that makes things easier, simpler and gives time back to comp pros to focus on the things that really matter - strategy, not spreadsheets. We invite you to explore what we’re building at Greatpoint HR - we can’t wait for you to join us on this journey!

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